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Breakwater is a group of artists from all different genres, who want to influence each other and the world.  We want to be a voice not an echo. Our goal is to encourage and help bring out the creative, God-given talents that we all possess. Whatever dream or aspiration, whatever passion one has, if it be written, musical or visual, etc, we want to help foster and motivate one another. 

We believe in accountability. We all have something to show; something to give to the world that is unique and worth experiencing, but life can get in the way. We hold one another to goals through motivation and, well… nagging! We want everyone to excel in what God has given them and make an impact for His glory, and the edification of everyone!



“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God,

with wisdom and with skill

and with knowledge

and with every kind of craftsmanship,”

Exodus 31:3